Thursday, November 1, 2007

They're Out There

We've all seen them, passed them in a store or on the street. Perhaps you've chosen to ignore them. I'm not pointing a finger or trying to place blame. I'm simply saying they are everywhere and may easily be overlooked.
See, they don't fit a certain description or class.
I'm talking about hungry, hurting people who are going to sleep tonight without enough to eat. Little kids, babies, elderly grandparents, moms and dads. Poverty stricken and once well to do, some have never known anything else. Hunger knows no boundaries.
Crossroads Community Church has just launched a project which will reach out to those who are hungry, searching, and feeling as though no one cares about them. We're calling it Project Share: Food. Love. Hope.
We're bringing 2 semi loads of food and personal care items to the community for distribution to impoverished families...800 to be exact.
Project Share is about much more than food. It's about reflecting the love of Christ with those who receive a box of food and sharing the hope that can only be found in Him.
Obviously this isn't a long term solution to the problem of physical hunger but it just might cause someone to take their next step toward Christ... and that's eternal.

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