Thursday, September 27, 2007

Me Too!

Some people can keep a secret while others just want to tease you with what they know.
However, she is right... there is something BIG in the works, something we've never done before as a church. It will change lives, challenge people to get out of their comfort zone, and generally excite the snot out of anyone who gets involved!
Stay tuned, it's coming, you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Diego was the ultimate dog sitter this past weekend; we had a house guest named Maximus.
Diego walked the dog, fed the dog, flicked the dog's ears, chewed the dog's toy hamburger (seriously), and at times got tired of doing all those things for the dog.
With Diego's memory being what it is, he reminded me earlier in the week that Maximus was coming to our house on Friday. Okay, where did that come from? He can't remember what day it is on any given day but he could remember when the dog was coming for a visit... classic Diego.
Here's a pic of Diego with Maximus, poor little dog was being held against his will in his bed.
Joe also converted Maximus to a U of M fan... GO BLUE!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Maid

So, Saturday Diego and I were on our own since Joe was at a Michigan game in the afternoon (U of M beat Notre Dame, by the way). I took Diego to Wal-Mart, our 'favorite store in the whole wide world'.
Diego wanted to know why we couldn't stay and shop longer. I explained that we needed to get home to clean the house for Sunday night when our small group was coming over.
His next question was, "Mom, what's a maid?"
I explained a maid is a person who cleans, does the laundry, cooks, and gets paid to do those things for people.
Diego's next statement took me quite by surprise.... "Oh, Mommy, then you're a maid."
What is a mom, ah, a maid, to say to that??

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I posted about the drama of Diego just a few minutes ago and decided to check out my friend's blog. SHE TAGGED ME with 50 things you need to know about me. Okay, I'm up to the challenge, here goes...

1. I am the fourth of five girls (and have one 'adopted' sister)
2. I have no brothers
3. I turned 47 this past August
4. I have been married for 25 years (okay, you knew that one if you read my blog)
5. I was a grandmother at 39
6. I am now mom to the child who is my grandchild (go figure that one out)
7. I bite my fingernails
8. I once won a talent contest playing the violin
9. In 1978 I got paid to play my violin in the summer musicals at the Croswell Opera House in Adrian
10. Yes, I color my hair
11. I have a fear of heights
12. I hate bugs and snakes
13. The furthest I've been from home is Aruba
14. Diet Coke is the drink in heaven, I'm convinced!
15. I served on the Sheriff's Department in my County for 6.5 years
16. Both of my parents are in heaven
17. Two of my children are in heaven
18. I don't like to read
19. I love old movies and sitcoms
20. I am a certified wedding and event planner
21. I spend too much money
22. I hate sticking to a budget (see #22)
23. My favorite color is blue
24. I can't swim
25. I am 6' tall
26. I was spoiled as a child (some would argue as an adult as well)
27. I was somewhat of a tomboy growing up
28. I had a German pen pal when I was 17 and actually met him when he traveled to the US one summer, he was a jerk in person
29. This list is hard to write
30. I understand that I snore
31. I usually have to have the TV on to fall asleep
32. My favorite sport to watch on TV is baseball - go Tigers!
33. I like watching live football - go Blue!
34. I am a shy person
35. I love chocolate
36. I have a very weird sister, she's the oldest one
37. I believed I was adopted when I was young (see #37)
38. I like to play volleyball but my knees won't take it anymore
39. I've broken both of my ring fingers (twice) playing volleyball
40. I graduated 53 in a class of 365
41. I did not go to college
42. I once managed a fast food restaurant
43. My favorite musical groups are the Newsboys, Casting Crowns and Mercy Me
44. My favorite song right now is "When I Get To Where I'm Going" (not by any of the groups in #43)
45. My favorite flower is the Gerber Daisy
46. My youngest sister and I were caught walking on the porch roof of our house when I was 5 years old, she was 4
47. The purse I carry is 7 years old
48. My sisters lovingly call me "Imelda" because of the number of shoes I own
49. I'm addicted to my email, can't wait to check to see who has sent me a message when the number pops up in my dock
50. I am terribly impatient when I have to wait for someone to do their part of a project I'm working on

There, that's 50! I am tagging Michele. Go for it!

A Close Call

I received a call this afternoon from Diego's para pro; Diego had run away from school and was missing, the police were on their way to the school. She wanted to know if I would drive around the school area to help look for Diego.
I don't know about anyone else but, hearing that my child was missing sent a pain similar to what I imagine a spear through the heart would feel like.
Praying as I sped to the route I felt Diego would take running from school, checking out a putt-putt golf course across the street and heading to Diego's favorite store, Wal-Mart. Just as I was turning toward the extremely heavily traveled road leading to Wal-Mart, my phone rang. "We have him."
Relieved? Beyond words.
Diego met a nice police corporal, we met the new principal and were able to establish a safe place to run to inside the school building.
Once Diego settled down he told me had decided to run home via our Lowe's and Wal-Mart route (another very busy stretch of road), he just knew our house is close to those stores (it is not). He said he turned back to the school because he was thirsty and needed a drink - thank you, God for making him thirsty! Thirst is a sensation that's always been very strong for Diego.
I believe Diego actually ran into a field near the school that is fenced and couldn't find his way out. If he had... well, I don't even want to consider what could have happened.
Tonight I'm very thankful that Diego is sound asleep in his nice, warm bed. I will say a prayer for the kids who have gone missing and not been found and the parents whose hearts have not been relieved of the pain of a spear through it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

25 Years

And they said it wouldn't last...
Joe and I have been married today for 25 years.

He can still surprise me and make me smile. Like today, I received a single red rose at work with a note that said, "See you later. Love, Joe". He arrived home from work before I did and there were 24 red and pink roses waiting for me on the kitchen counter. I had received a rose for every year of marriage. (can I hear an awwwww?)

And the sentimentality there is sweet too... I received a single yellow rose just before my dad walked me down the aisle 25 years ago tonight. The card on that rose read, "See you at the altar. Love, Joe" (another awwwwww)

Here's Joe at the Grand Canyon - another surprise. He also gave me some beautiful diamond jewelry! He's a keeper... for at least another 25 years.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Joe and I visited the Grand Canyon this past weekend... the occasion? Our 25 Wedding Anniversary on September 11.
Neither of us had ever been to the Canyon and it is/was on my list of places to visit in my lifetime.
Words can not begin to describe the splendor and beauty of God's creation, the Grand Canyon. You can't look into its depth or watch the California Condor soaring above head and believe that "Mother Nature" dreamed this up, you just can't.
Here's just one pic from my favorite view (Grandview Point).

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of Second Grade

Diego went back to school this morning; he was bummed. He wanted to go to day camp instead. He tried every trick he knows to prevent the inevitable trip to school... from not getting dressed to the age old "stomach ache".
I was finally able to snap a quick pic before we had to run out the door to arrive on time for school.

I felt sorry for Diego having to wade through the crowd of kids and parents, hearing the sounds of school that set him off, the sounds most people don't even know are there like the buzz of the fluorescent lights and the hum of the window fan. Even the parent of one of his friends speaking to him was enough to make Diego retreat into his protective shell.

I warned his para pro about a high gag reflex lately and some butterflies in the stomach, kissed Diego on the cheek and realized he had already completed a word search page the teacher had placed on all of the desks in the classroom.

I walked out of school with some butterflies of my own but whispered a prayer for protection and comfort for my special little boy. I know he'll learn and grow so much this year; he's gonna be alright.