Monday, September 17, 2007

The Maid

So, Saturday Diego and I were on our own since Joe was at a Michigan game in the afternoon (U of M beat Notre Dame, by the way). I took Diego to Wal-Mart, our 'favorite store in the whole wide world'.
Diego wanted to know why we couldn't stay and shop longer. I explained that we needed to get home to clean the house for Sunday night when our small group was coming over.
His next question was, "Mom, what's a maid?"
I explained a maid is a person who cleans, does the laundry, cooks, and gets paid to do those things for people.
Diego's next statement took me quite by surprise.... "Oh, Mommy, then you're a maid."
What is a mom, ah, a maid, to say to that??

1 comment:

Wendy Bender said...

If we're maids, than I demand a pay increase! :)