Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Contributing to the Delinquency...

Those who know me and who have been in my home know I have a rather large Coca-Cola collection... no Pepsi, seriously it doesn't fit into my collection. Its taste is far inferior to Coke.

This past Sunday night we invited the small group that recently launched from ours to come over for a fun night and Mexicana Thanksgiving. Through the years of doing life with this group of insane folks, I have been the recipient of various, slanderous Coca-Cola comments, empty Pepsi bottles left behind hidden in the most unusual places, and if I didn't purchase Diet Coke to drink we would, at times have had only Pepsi products to serve.

We had a wonderful time, as always. As people were leaving, one of Diego's favorite babysitters (she's just turned 13, this is where the delinquency comes in) asked if I had perhaps already found the Pepsi bottle she had placed in my living room. Now, understand that her father, who serves on the Safety team at church with me, is usually the person who leaves behind the empty Pepsi bottle. He had taught her an unthinkable act... that of strategically placing the contraband somewhere to be found at a later time by the unsuspecting, trusting Coca-Cola collector.

I had not seen, nor did I as I turned to look at that moment, the Pepsi bottle in question. I knew I would find it sooner or later and hopefully before the deposit on it was out of date.

Well, Monday arrived and I got up with my usual 6 a.m. alarm to trudge downstairs to take a shower. As I pulled back the shower curtain my still glazed eyes noticed something sitting on the shower bench... anyone care to hazzard a guess as to what I found? Tom? Michele? Hanna?

Contraband found... an empty, 2-liter Pepsi bottle staring at me, startling me, waiting for me to scream at the sight of it. I must admit I looked for a hidden camera somewhere in the shower. Thankfully, I did not find one!


Wendy Bender said...

Just because you didn't find a hidden camera, doesn't mean there wasn't one there! :0 haha!

Anonymous said...

Why you gotta include the wife???? I have NEVER done anything to the "Coke" collection!

Anonymous said...

Can you describe said "contraband" with a little greater detail, it sounds familiar? If this "contraband" is the "contraband" that I think it is, than you may need to add a fourth name to the suspect list. You may have a more intimate relationship with this additional suspect. I'm not saying I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...
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Faythe Emens said...

Wellllll...... 'additional suspect' gave y'all up so, I would say that we all have a little painting party in his new XP office.
Pink walls and little fluffy bunnies may be just the ticket to fix his little red wagon.
See, if he hadn't asked me about said contraband, I would never have known that the wife wanted to stick her cell phone to the mirror for capturing facial expressions.
AND, I wouldn't have known the poor 13 year old's accomplice was none other than her much older father! :)
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I saw on Trading Spaces one time where they hot glued feathers to the wall! That would be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!