Saturday, October 13, 2007


FASD = Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Alcohol consumed during pregnancy = brain damage
I had a stark reminder about FASD today as I watched my son interact with several other kids in the waiting room of a clinic in Ann Arbor.
Beautiful toddlers with many of the same facial anomalies, various tell tale signs of disabilities, and frightened parents anxiously waiting to meet a doctor, nurse or therapist, holding out hope for a diagnosis and perhaps, a cure.
FAS knows no racial or class boundaries, it promises no cures.
A couple of the little ones were adopted as babies from Russia. One little girl was with her biological mom and younger brother. A 17 year old FAS girl came into the clinic in full meltdown mode, she was 5 months pregnant and can't deal with it.
I watched Diego going from one item to another oblivious to differences in the children around him, that naive spirit, if only it were contagious and could last.
One mom of a 3 year old toddler was searching for answers, hope and solutions to issues she is dealing with right now. I gave her a few brief "try this" statements before her child's turn to leave the waiting room.
As we drove home I thought about one thing people need to understand... FASD is not the child's fault. I mean, if a kid or adult with this disorder could change their circumstances I am sure they would. They didn't choose to be brain damaged. But remember they are a special gift of God, maybe a little more special for having FASD.


Anonymous said...

Joe & Faythe,
God gave you Diego to be yours, to love, care for and support. I believe that is because God knew you would do all these things. You are both awesome parents, friends and role models. I know you have your "days" as we all do.
I love you both!

Wendy Bender said...

Are you both trying to make me cry over here??? I totally agree with Michele, Faythe. Diego is truly a gift from God! I am reminded of God's love when I am around Diego - he is such a blessing!

We love you all!