Sunday, March 23, 2008

Are You Kidding?

Friday, March 21 was Crossroads' Annual Flashlight Egg Hunt. Everything was set... except for the weather. Early in the week, the weather man promised balmy 47 degree temps by Friday. Somewhere along the middle of the week he changed his mind and gave a most ugly prediction of a winter storm to begin around noon Friday and ending sometime in the middle of the night.

(May I just say I'm SO over snow! After all, Christmas was nearly 3 months ago!)

Of course, God, in His infinite wisdom and most keen sense of humor caused the snow to start falling in downtown Adrian around 11:30 a.m.; it continued steadily throughout the afternoon. At 4 p.m. (set-up time), there was about 3 inches of fresh snow covering the ground. (Did I already say I'm over snow?!)

Crossroaders showed up, bundled in their winter garb, set-up, and waited for kids to arrive to hunt eggs... in the snow. Honestly, I felt like I was in a snow globe all night. But it was well worth the blustery temps, gusting winds, and oftentimes, blinding snow. The smiles on the cold faces of the little ones who gathered snow-covered eggs were worth every minute spent standing in that storm.

I am over snow (have I mentioned that?) but never will be over the lives touched and blessed by such an event. Way to go Crossroaders! I'm sure God was smiling at us... probably even having a good laugh!

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