Thursday, August 9, 2007

God's Watching Out For Him

I received a call this evening from Barb, the woman who has been Diego's para-professional for the past 2 years. GREAT NEWS... she has been assigned to be with Diego again this coming school year! Here's the funny thing, she even selected him from a list of students.

Barb is an amazing woman. Not only that but she is a Christian too. And another thing, she's a preacher's wife.

Barb works so well with Diego, she has learned to understand his needs and he responds to her techniques.

The news takes a huge weight off my mind and proves that God is always watching out for Diego providing him with just what he needs. Thanks, God.

Speaking of God watching out for Diego... check out Wendy's blog posting about Diego ("Loving Diego")... grab the kleenex box first!

1 comment:

Wendy Bender said...

GREAT news, my friend! How wonderful for Diego to have Barb in his life! Our God is the most awesome God! Love ya!