Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sleeping With The Pandas

Diego didn't sleep much Tuesday night. He was up wandering the house and sneaking snacks upstairs to his bedroom... all night. I had sent him back to bed several times and had threatened to take away the Wii, TV and movies, nothing seemed to get through to him.

Around 3 a.m. I heard my bedroom door creak and thought the wind had perhaps pushed it open. It went creak again and I heard a scraping sound. Now, what could that be? Diego. I found him lying on the floor trying to hide the Wii remotes which I had placed on my dresser for safe keeping. I swatted his bottom and sent him back to bed with the promise that if he didn't stay in bed he would be a very old man before he played the Wii again.

Fast forward to Wednesday evening. Joe, Diego and I were in the car headed for an ice cream. Diego decided to remind me that he was tired (I wonder why). He then said something that was absolutely priceless...

Diego said, "I was in your room last night, Mom. I saw Dad sleeping and I looked at him and looked at him for a long time. I saw him sleeping with a panda in his hands."

Joe. Sleeps with a panda?


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