So, I received notice about a week and a half ago that I needed to renew my driver's license this year and I COULDN'T renew by mail! AARRGGHHH!!! We all know what that means.... going to the Secretary of State's Office (or DMV) and waiting forever, or at least a really long time, for your number to be called and issued the standard license tests.
Well, I happened to have the form from the DMV with me today and I decided to drive past the office to see if the parking lot was full. It wasn't so I parked and went inside.
I picked #50 from the machine near the door and before I could sit down, a clerk called, "Number 50! Are you 50 or are you 49?" I told her I was number 50, not nearly 49 or 50 in age :)
This woman was a hoot! I explained that I needed to renew my license, handed her the license and she issued an eye exam complete with flashing lights (for peripheral vision testing). She then told me the cost for my renewal would be $18. I handed her a 20 and she made a comment about needing an advance on her allowance from her boss for change?!
She handed me the change and asked me to step over to the blue screen for a photo. She said, "Smile at the birdie." The birdie? Oh, there was a Beanie Baby bird hanging from the camera..... hmmmm..... okay.....
The clerk made my image appear on a computer screen and she asked if that looked like me. The photo looked like I was saying hmmm.... okay.... I did a chin count - 1, 2, 3, "Yep, that works for me."
She said my license will arrive in 7-10 days and I asked if that was all I needed to do. What no written test? She looked at her supervisor and said, "Does this woman need to take a written test to renew her license?" The supervisor said, "No, I don't think so."
Works for me. I was so happy I almost walked out without my old license which now had the upper right corner clipped off and a temporary license stapled to it.
Relatively painless process and finished in under 10 minutes! Things have changed at the DMV, either that or I picked the right day to visit :)
When Anxiety Attacks
8 years ago