Monday, March 10, 2008

Time Change

Along with Diego's FAS comes the inevitable issue with the Spring and Fall time changes.

It's difficult enough for nearly everyone I know to deal with the loss of that hour, but that hour might as well be days lost for Diego.

To a child with no real concept of time, the hour seems to disappear into a foggy tunnel of disorientation and confusion... and of course, we missed the digital clock on the DVD player when changing all the other clocks in the house!

Diego's argument that it was still light outside was, well... correct. But that digital clock glowing the wrong time was really hard to confront. It felt like 6:30, looked like 6:30, it was 6:30 the night before (if you know Diego, you get that), so it must be 6:30.

Poor kid, he thought he was going to bed an hour early... and he was! Or was he?

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