If you follow my blog or others from Crossroads in Adrian, MI you know that we're doing a huge outreach called Project Share: Food. Love. Hope. and it happens this Saturday, December 15.
We have 400+ volunteers ready to serve. Pray for their stamina in unloading 1600 boxes from 2 semis. Pray for the details that must be done on each box before they are re-loaded onto pick-up trucks for delivery. Pray for the safety of our drivers in traveling the roads Saturday to deliver boxes of food and personal care items.
865 people (yes, there are 65 more than a previous report on my blog states) will receive the boxes and bags of food and personal care items on Saturday. Pray they will realize that it's not only important to feed their physical hunger but that they will have a spiritual hunger that can only be satisfied by a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2 semis loaded with food and personal care items are expected to roll in at 10 a.m. They are coming from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Now, if you have been watching the national news/weather, you know that Oklahoma has been hard hit with an ice and snow storm this week causing massive power outages and a state of emergency there. Pray for the safety of the semi drivers and that our trucks arrive on time.
Pray for the Project Share team leaders - they have all worked extremely hard to make this project a successful outreach to the community. Some have already put in countless hours and are weary. Pray for health and safety for these incredible folks.
Pray that God will receive ALL the glory for what happens during this project... after all, it is His.
1 comment:
Father, Thanks so much for the amazing opportunity You have given the people of Crossroads to love on 865+ people in our community. Thank you that You put it in the hearts of so many people to be generous and reach out to physically, emotionally and spiritually hungry families. I pray Father that you help to multiply what it is we are giving to these families and help those who do not have a home to find one, those who do not have a job, to get one and those who do not have love, to find YOU!
More specifically, we pray in agreement that the roads the semis will travel will be clear and that they will arrive safely on time without interference. We pray for the volunteer leaders who have put in so much time that they remain steadfast and healthy throughout. We pray for the 400+ volunteers that they are committed and have the endurance and warmth to get the trucks unloaded, the boxes stuffed and organized and reloaded and delivered to the right homes safely. We pray that the beautiful snow weather holds off until after the project so that we can be effective in getting our job done. Please Lord be in the midst of this project and show not only the recipients of these boxes your love, but show the volunteers of Crossroads how much You love them because of their obedience to You. Show them Father that your glory is amazing and that this could never be done without You. You are great and Holy and we thank You for your son, Jesus, who was born as a baby so he could grow up to die for us.... AMEN
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