Wednesday, June 13, 2007


We had a 'Night of Praise' at our church tonight. It's a chance for us to come together for music, communion, and prayer as a church community. Diego joined me in the auditorium since Joe was involved in a part on stage.
One of the elements of worship was an opportunity to write a note, draw a picture, etc. on newsprint that had been placed on the walls. Diego was curious about what some people were doing at this point in the experience so I explained that they were writing a note to God or Jesus. He said, "I want to write a note to God!"
I was leery of allowing him to go to the wall since one never knows what he might write or draw given the paper and crayon. I reluctantly let him go...alone.
When Diego didn't come back after what I felt was a reasonable amount of time, I went to find him and determine whether or not I would need to tear the paper from the wall before anyone else could see it.
What I found brought me to tears. Here was my 8 year old engrossed in writing a love letter to our Creator. It went something like this: "Hi God. I love you because you love me. I love you because you let me go to second grade. I love you because you are good.... Diego"
He even went back to write more near the end of the experience.
I just want to say, thank you, God for the gift of your little angel, Diego. He brings me great joy!

1 comment:

Wendy Bender said...

That is wonderful! Chloe amazed me with what she wrote too.. it said, simply, "Thank you, Jesus, for being my friend."

These children are precious gifts from God and I thank Him everyday for allowing me to be her mom!

Diego is such a wonderful little boy and you have every reason to be proud of him!

Love ya!