Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Sweet Boy

Diego wanted to type on his dad's computer last night. I didn't realize he was actually typing an email to me. Here's the content of that email:

I love very much.I love seeing you every day.I like going to school with you I have a good time.Thank you for buying me Wii games.I enjoy playing them. My favorite one is Mario kart.When I look at you I feel different.I liked the cars you got me.I like to play with them thank you for buying them for me.I hope you have a good day tonight.It was fun when you tickled me.When I go somewhere I miss you.I love to play with you every day.I see hearts in your eyes when I look at you.It's okay if you cry.

I'm glad he said it is okay if I cry because his note did bring tears to my eyes.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another Milestone in FASD World

Today marks a significant milestone in Diego's life - his last day of third grade. He embarks on the journey to his last year in elementary school next Fall (I'm already talking Fall because it's going to be a loooong summer!).

Diego's done some incredible things this year. Maybe they're not measurable feats for a lot of kids his age but it's amazing he was able to overcome many of his sensory and relational issues to master them:

1) He started third grade reading at fourth grade level and advanced to the 4.2 level by mid-year
2) He learned the multiplication tables to 12
3) He wrote interesting and funny stories in his journal
4) He was chosen to participate in the Tri-County Science Olympiad (his team came in 5th overall) - his comment about not 'winning' was, "Mom, it's okay that I didn't win. I worked hard and did my best, and tried really hard."
5) He was chosen from a group of his peers to participate in a writing workshop that took place after school for a month
6) He was able to eat lunch with a group of friends without supervision by his teacher/para-pro - and he didn't run away!
7) He memorized "The Fifty States That Rhyme" song and sang it in front of his class (ask him to sing it for you the next time you see him)
8) He had one incident where his para-pro had to call me to explain something that happened.... one... for the entire year...
9) He won several awards for reading and writing during the end of the year program

There are more but this post would get far too lengthy. Diego has continually surprised and amazed me, he is beating the odds for an FASD kid, at least for now. And I am so very proud of him.