Monday, August 27, 2007

The biggest Oreo I've ever seen

Our life group was over Sunday evening for our every other week gathering. One of the group members had a HUGE cake made for the August birthdays. Thank the Lord that my birthday is in August because the cake was incredible! Two layers of chocolate cake, a middle white frosting filling, topped with chocolate frosting.... oh my! We've got cake for days but I'm going to enjoy it!
That's Sarah on the right, her birthday was August 21, mine was August 24. As you can tell, I'm the older one in the pic... Now that I think about it, I'm probably old enough to be Sarah's mother!
Yet another reason to eat more cake :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wedding Bells

Chloe went to a wedding with us yesterday afternoon. I've mentioned Chloe in previous entries; she is one of Diego's best friends and definitely one of my favorite peeps.

After the wedding and a short stop at the reception we came back home so we could change clothes before we went out to get somethi
ng to eat. Since the wedding ceremony was fresh in their minds, these two crazy kids decided they wanted to get married too.

Here's a pic of the ring ceremony, the "I Dos", and one of the kiss after I pronounced them "Diego and Chloe". Then there was a dance complete with a dip at the end but I can't show you that one :)

These two bring so much fun and laughter into my lif
e!! Ah, to be 7 and 8 years old again... the age of innocence.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Eye Opening

Diego and I had a rough night last night. He started complaining about well, you name it and he didn't like it, as soon as he got into the car when I picked him up from day camp.

Things got progressively worse when I told him he wasn't going to be able to watch a movie while I fixed supper because he had lost the privilege in the morning due to the fact that he wasted so much time, wouldn't listen, and generally made things difficult. Needless to say, that didn't set well with him and he turned into the little monster he portrayed a few months ago at church (that's Godzilla in the picture).

Short version: he had a meltdown, I sent him to his room, another meltdown, back to his room, dinner, sound asleep (at 5:50 p.m.).

This morning Diego was up bright and early, cooperative and ready to leave for day camp long before I was ready. I allowed him to watch some TV in my bedroom while he waited for me and he chose "Dora, The Explorer". I asked him if perhaps Dora's cousin, Diego was on today and he said, "Yes." I told him, "I am sure my Diego is better looking than Dora's cousin," and he replied with, "Yes, because I'm real."

Hmmm, kind of got me thinking about my friend's recent blog entry where she poses the question: "Am I who I say I am?"

Once again God has used my FAS kid to cause me to soul search. Today I have to ask myself, "Am I real?" Not in the sense of being alive, touchable or beyond 1 dimensional cartoon characters but real in the sense of am I who I say I am and does the outside world see the real me?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Little Powder, Please

So, this morning Diego and I were in the middle of our morning routine. He had gotten out of bed on his own without having to be prodded and threatened. We had a brief conversation about what he needed to do to be ready to leave for Day Camp and off he went to do those things while I finished getting myself ready to go to work. (Incidentally, this is all very unusual behavior.)

We've been having talks about personal hygiene lately and must be today was the day Diego determined to take the smelly hair situation into his own hands. Usually he wets his head and only pretends to wash his face. Not today, he emerged from the bathroom with his hair dripping. On closer look the substance dripping from his locks was a cloudy-white liquid.

Diego said, "Smell my hair, Mommy." As I bent to sniff, I noticed the tell-tale signs of a white powdery substance (no, not Anthrax) on the collar of his shirt. I immediately looked to the counter where there is a basket which contains his toothpaste, toothbrush and, you guessed it, a container of baby powder. Diego asked me if he smelled good and I told him he did. Of course the closer I inspected his head, the more powder I found.

I remember making "glue" from a 5 pound bag of flour when I was about Diego's age; the globs of goo in his hair resembled that gluey concoction.

I didn't have the heart or the time to wash his hair. All I could do was comb it and try to brush some of the powder away with my hand... again, and again, and again. By the time we arrived at Day Camp about 25 minutes later, most of his hair was dry, and very white.

I didn't get a pic but believe me, this was one true FAS moment brought to you by my loving little boy.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

God's Watching Out For Him

I received a call this evening from Barb, the woman who has been Diego's para-professional for the past 2 years. GREAT NEWS... she has been assigned to be with Diego again this coming school year! Here's the funny thing, she even selected him from a list of students.

Barb is an amazing woman. Not only that but she is a Christian too. And another thing, she's a preacher's wife.

Barb works so well with Diego, she has learned to understand his needs and he responds to her techniques.

The news takes a huge weight off my mind and proves that God is always watching out for Diego providing him with just what he needs. Thanks, God.

Speaking of God watching out for Diego... check out Wendy's blog posting about Diego ("Loving Diego")... grab the kleenex box first!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Makin' Contacts and Takin' Names

Last Friday evening and Saturday I exhibited at a Bridal Expo where I was able to talk to potential clients, give them information on my consulting services, sign brides up for my consultation giveaway, and meet other wedding service vendors. My mind is still trying to process some of the conversations I had and I'm working on follow up with potential clients and my "prize winner".
A vendor from Toledo called today to see if I'm interested in networking with her and several of her contacts, that's an incredible opportunity for my business. It could also open up a market in a large city where the services I offer would be in high demand.
I must admit, I'm a little scared because of my shyness but I'm really excited about the opportunity. This could be the break I've been searching for and I can't wait to see where it takes me.
Here's a pic of my display... and no, I wasn't selling the KitchenAide products you see in the background.